Thursday, August 9, 2012

Am I Allergic to My Job?

I've been having some issues lately with my feelings going up and down and it was absolutely horrible on Wednesday. Once I got home from work I really had to take time to center myself and calm down. Originally I thought my bad feelings at work were coming from some personal issues I've been having but my experience yesterday said differently. I woke up in good shape and felt good as I went through my morning ritual and just generally got ready for the day and for work, I noticed that my mood started to dip and only went lower and lower as I got closer and closer to going to work.

By the time I was in the parking lot of my job I  had to make it a point to keep myself positive and upbeat.

This was such a reminder how much environment affects our mood. I've never been to one, but I imagine that a soothing environment is part of what makes a spa so calming and comforting.

All of that to say I was able to visibly lift my mood while at work even though I couldn't control my environment. I created an oasis in my desert of a work environment.  We have more control over ourselves and our feelings than we know.

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