Thursday, February 20, 2014

Long-Term Thinking

One of the most harmful aspects of human beings is the lack of long-term thinking. This deficit causes so much wide-spread misery. It is the cause of so many of the most important issues facing our world today: food insecurity, global warming / climate change, dependency on nonrenewable resources, etc.

Perhaps even more unfortunate is the fact that long-term thinkers do exist but most of them use that thinking to take advantage of unfortunate situations and other people for the benefit of themselves and their family. There are a few long-term thinkers who care about others and want to use that thinking to help but they tend not to have power and no one listens to them.


  1. Right on.

    It seems people that think about others do not have power - or power does not bring up people that think about others. Whichever comes first, the chicken or the egg?

  2. Liberal democracies do not want citizens to think at all – let alone long term. Human beings are so much easier to control when the populace is feeling each other’s pain, not using their minds.

    1. Thanks for commenting.

      I don't know that we can blame the government for people not thinking. For the most part, I don't believe that people want to think. Particularly about unpleasant realities. Or maybe people aren't just wired that way.

      How may times have you seen someone talking on TV about a tragedy they've undergone and they start it with: "I never thought this would happen to me!" Sometimes they are discussing something that occurs very rarely but most of the time they are not.

      Most people are just not thinkers in any real sense of the term.
